
At Fulford School we provide a comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance which is delivered through a range of mediums including, but not limited to, form time activities; personal development lessons; embedded into the curriculum; work experience; college taster days; visiting speakers and employer engagement; careers events and activities; one-to-one careers interviews; an extensive range of links/resources through the school careers webpage and careers library in the Resource Centre. The Careers Office is easily accessible for all students and is centrally located in B Block, facing the outdoor seating area between Blocks A & B.
To ensure we are working to the quality standards set by the government, the Gatsby Benchmarks, and the Careers and Enterprise Company guidelines, the schools careers programme is assessed termly against the Gatsby Benchmarks using the self-assessment tool Compass+. We also welcome, and listen to student, family, employer and staff feedback and respond accordingly.
In the next section of this page, you will find a summary of the careers programme, our Careers Policy, as well as up to date Year11 School Leaver Destination Data. Information on The Gatsby Benchmarks can be found here.
You can also follow the school Twitter and Facebook pages for regular careers related updates.
Should you wish to contact the Careers department to seek help, or to provide feedback, please email Miss Birkby (Head of Careers). All details below.

Contact Details:
Miss S. Birkby (Head of Careers)

Fulford's Career Programme...
Fulford School has traditionally been very successful at ensuring our students are on an appropriate pathway Post 16 and 18 with measurable outcomes such as a lower than average level of students who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). The majority of our Year 11 student’s progress into the school 6th Form Post 16, however, we also have a number of students who progress to other colleges/6th forms as well as apprenticeships. We ensure all students have a full knowledge of all the options available to them Post 16 and support them to ensure they choose the most appropriate pathway for them. We use our destinations data to monitor the progression of students and to measure the effectiveness of our careers guidance to improve outcomes for young people in the school.
- Week 14 – GCSE Options – Introduction & Useful Videos
- Week 15 – GCSE Options – Quizzes Research Resources
- Week 16 – GCSE Options – Activities 1
- Week 17 – GCSE Options – Activities 2
- 2024 – 2025 Work Experience Agreement-Consent Form
- Contacting employers by email
- Contacting employers by phone
- Map-Locations-for-Placements (2)
- NYBEP – 10.09.24 – Fulford School YR10 Launch Presentation 2024 (002) (002)
- Previous Year 10 Work Experience Placements & Employers
- Students Guide
- Year 9 – Work Experience Launch – July 2024 (002)
Year 7
The main focus of this year is to ensure pupils settle into Fulford School.
Pupils are introduced to future careers related to subject areas and are introduced to resources for
career research.
Pupils are encouraged to start to think about their strengths and interests and to match these with
potential careers.
All pupils across Years 7-13 are informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to
find out about these.
All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and
events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these opportunities and activities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
Pupils are introduced to stereotyping across different aspects of life including careers.
Year 8
The main focus of this year is to develop careers investigation skills and to raise awareness of the variety of different routes into employment.
Introduce pupils to career related key terms.
Introduce the concept of transferable skills and the importance of developing employability skills.
Develop job comparison research looking at skills needed, income, qualifications, and employment conditions.
All pupils across Years 7-13 are informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to find out about these.
Gender stereotyping – to recognise stereotypical views; understand how job stereotyping might affect, own career choice.
All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these opportunities and activities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
The Stock Market Challenge – stock market simulation activity. Pupils work in teams to buy and sell shares/currencies just as a city trader would. They need to buy at a low price and sell at high price to maximise the value of their portfolio developing team working, money and confidence skills, as well as gaining an insight into business/financial careers.
Pupils are encouraged to use the careers resources in more detail to explore different career areas and match careers to their strengths and interests.
Year 9
- The main focus this year is to support pupils in choosing their KS4 GCSE Options.
- Pupils will be supported to understand the options choices procedure at Fulford School; find out about which GCSEs they may need for different future careers; find out about what types of careers relate to
- subjects they are interested in.
- Pupils will be encouraged to find out more about STEM careers. All pupils across Years 7-13 are
- informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to find out about these.
- All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and
- events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these activities and opportunities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
- Develop career research skills and decision making skills.
- Job exploration.
- Careers websites exploration.
- Careers quizzes to assess personality, skills, interest and strengths and match to potential careers.
- The Stock Market Challenge – stock market simulation activity. Pupils work in teams to buy and sell
- shares/currencies just as a city trader would. They need to buy at a low price and sell at high price to maximise the value of their portfolio developing team working, money and confidence skills, as well as gaining an insight into business/financial careers.
- Pupils identified as potentially NEET, vulnerable or at risk of disengaging, are identified for early intervention, targeted and prioritised when arranging 1:2:1 careers interviews.
Year 10
The main focus of this year is on preparing for the world of work.
All pupils will take part in a 1 week work experience placement with an employer.
Pupils will receive support to prepare for work experience including how to look for a placement; how to contact employers; positives of work experience; skills employers’ look for; health & safety in the workplace.
Work experience reflection and recording post placement.
Creating a CV, covering letter and mock application for a job.
Pupils are informed of any relevant in person and/or virtual work experience opportunities; careers fairs; apprenticeship and employer fairs; University & HE fairs and encouraged to apply/attend to speak to representative’s first-hand about the opportunities/courses they offer.
Pupils will be encouraged to find out more about STEM careers. All pupils across Years 7-13 are informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to find out about these.
All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these activities and opportunities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
Learning about where to find job opportunities.
Visit to The University of York and taster lecture.
Careers Fair – opportunity to engage with a number of local employers/Post 16 providers.
Pupil voice – careers fair & University visit survey
Pupils are encouraged to use the careers resources in more detail to explore different career areas and Post 16 Options.
Pupils identified as potentially NEET, vulnerable or at risk of disengaging, are identified for early intervention, targeted and prioritised when arranging 1:2:1 careers interviews.
Referral to Learning and Work advisors for those pupils who are potentially NEET, LAC or in need of additional intensive support to ensure transition post 16.
Year 11
- The main focus of this year is on Post 16 options and applications.
- Pupils are made aware of all the options available to them Post 16 including:
- > Staying on at Fulford Sixth Form
> Moving onto another Sixth Form/College course
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Exploring the different types and levels of courses including A levels, T Levels, vocational courses, apprenticeships/traineeships and the advantages/disadvantages of each of these.
- Choosing what to do next – what is important to individual pupils when deciding what to do after year 11.
- Decision making – influences on my decision, steps to making a decision.
- Support to make Post 16 applications.
- Job investigation including local job market information and where to find vacancies
- Learning about where to find volunteering opportunities.
- Pupils are encouraged to use the careers resources in more detail to explore different career areas and Post 16 Options.
- Completion of Post 16 Destination Questionnaire to identify pupils in need of additional support around Post 16 Options choices.
- All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these activities and opportunities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
- Pupils are informed of any relevant in person and/or virtual work experience opportunities; careers fairs; apprenticeship and employer fairs; University & HE fairs and encouraged to apply/attend to speak to representative’s first-hand about the opportunities/courses they offer.
- Pupils are informed of, and encouraged to attend, other local Post 16 provider Taster Days and Open Evenings.
- Pupils are informed of The Russell Group 24 leading UK Universities.
- Pupils have the opportunity to attend the Fulford internal Sixth Form taster day to sample studying A level subjects they may be interested in.
- For pupils who do not wish to stay on in the Sixth Form, and who may be considering a vocational course at college, these pupils will have the opportunity to attend the Alternative Taster Day within school where pupils can access taster lessons from local colleges/amazing apprenticeships.
- Amazing Apprenticeships presentation
- Pupils are encouraged to use the careers resources and careers quizzes in more detail to explore different career areas, careers matched to their skills and interests, and Post 16 Options.
- National Citizen Service – presentation
- Labour Market Information (LMI) – exploring different careers; qualifications needed; average salary; live vacancies; any apprenticeships available in that career area; jobs of the future; job prospects in the local York/North Yorkshire areas
- York College Presentation.
- Lunchtime employer “Drop-In’s” – display stands and informal discussion.
- Pupils will be encouraged to find out more about STEM careers. All pupils across Years 7-13 are informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to find out about these.
- Interview tips/skills.
- Mental health in the workplace.
- All pupils will have an interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team – SLT Destination Interviews.
- All pupils will be provided with the opportunity for a personal guidance interview with a qualified careers adviser by age 16, with the opportunity for a further interview if attending the school sixth form.
- Pupils identified as potentially NEET, vulnerable or at risk of disengaging, are identified for early intervention, targeted and prioritised when arranging 1:2:1 careers interviews.
- Referral to Learning and Work advisors for those pupils who are potentially NEET, LAC or in need of additional intensive support to ensure transition post 16.
Year 12/13
The main focus of Years 12/13 is to look at all the options available Post 18.
Pupils are made aware of the options available to them Post 18 including university or another HE institution, apprenticeships, and employment.
Pupils will be encouraged to find out more about STEM careers. All pupils across Years 7-13 are informed of resources to research STEM careers and encouraged to find out about these.
Pupils are encouraged to use the careers resources in more detail to explore different career areas and Post 18 Options.
All pupils in Years 7 – 13 are included in the distribution of resources, activities, information and events during key weeks throughout the year including National Careers Week and National Apprenticeship Week. Pupils are encouraged to engage with these activities and opportunities to widen their knowledge and future aspirations of the different options and careers available.
Pupils will work closely with their Tutor, and Head of Year, to enable them to make an informed next step Post 18.
Pupils are informed of The Russell Group 24 leading UK Universities.
Pupils are informed of any relevant in person and/or virtual work experience opportunities; careers fairs; apprenticeship and employer fairs; University & HE fairs and encouraged to apply/attend to speak to representative’s first-hand about the opportunities/courses they offer.
Job investigation including local job market information and where to find opportunities.
Interview skills and preparation for interviews at University/employment.
Finding out about alternative routes to university and how to apply to these using Unifrog.
Recognising how to make a good application.
UCAS, applications and personal statement support.
Understanding pupil finance in HE.
Amazing Apprenticeships Presentation.
Labour Market Information (LMI) – exploring different careers; qualifications needed; average salary; live vacancies; any apprenticeships available in that career area; jobs of the future; job prospects in the local York/North Yorkshire areas.
Career ready masterclasses and mentoring.
National Citizen Service – presentation.
Year 12 pupils have the opportunity to undertake a 1 week work experience placement.
- Pupils identified as potentially NEET, vulnerable or at risk of disengaging, are identified and offered the opportunity for a 1:2:1 careers interview. intensive support to aid a positive transition into a Post 18 destination.
- Referral to the Learning and Work advisor for pupils who are potentially NEET or LAC, to offer more
Sixth Form Careers Information
For information about Careers in the 6th Form, please click here
How does the school measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils?
The primary measurement of the effectiveness of the careers programme on pupils at key stage 4 is through destination data. We are very proud of the fact that we have an extremely low level of “NEETs” with 100 % of students meeting the duty to participate in 2018.
The impact of the careers programme is also measured via a large scale electronic student survey encompassing a wide range of aspects of the programme.
The careers information on our website is reviewed at least annually in the Autumn term, may also be updated with any changes occurring during the year, and was last amended in October 2019.
Information on apprenticeships and the website to register for apprenticeships. - Amazing Apprenticeships – please sign up
There is a new Parents Page
York apprenticeships
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @yorkapprentices
- Opportunities in York –
- National Information –
Employment issues
- Employment rights information –
Fulford School Provider Access Policy
Ownership: Fulford School
Date updated: January 2023
High quality careers education and guidance in school or college is critical to young people’s futures. It helps to prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes to jobs and careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. It supports them to acquire the self-development and career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps students to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy.
As the number of apprenticeships rises every year, it becomes increasingly important that all young people have a full understanding of all the options available to them post-16 and post-18 including wider technical education options such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.
Fulford School is committed to ensuring there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access students, for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. Fulford School is fully aware of the responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need. That means acting impartially, in line with the statutory duty, and not showing bias towards any route, be that academic or technical.
Fulford School endeavors to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and are able to access information on technical options and apprenticeships (The Department of Education, July 2021: “Baker Clause”: supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options, and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023).
Fulford School policy for Access to other education and training providers has the following aims:
To develop the knowledge and awareness of our students of all career pathways available to them, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships.
To support young people to be able to learn more about opportunities for education and training outside of school before making crucial choices about their future options.
To reduce drop out from courses and avoid the risk of students becoming NEET (Young people not in education, employment or training).
Student Entitlement
Fulford School fully supports the statutory requirement for students to have direct access to other providers of further education training, technical training and apprenticeships. The school will comply with the new legal requirement to put on at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships. This will be done in assemblies in National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week, in addition to providers attending careers events at school.
This policy has been developed and is reviewed bi-annually by the Head of Careers (Sarah Birkby) and the SLT member linked to Careers (Stephen Bailey) based on current good practice guidelines by the Department for Education.
Links with other policies
It supports and is underpinned by key school policies including those for Careers, Child Protection, Equality and Diversity, and SEND.
Equality and Diversity
Access to other providers is available and promoted to allow all students to access information about other providers of further education and apprenticeships. Fulford School is committed to encouraging all students to make decisions about their future based on impartial information.
Requests for access
Requests for access should be directed to Sarah Birkby, Head of Careers. Sarah Birkby may be contacted by telephone or email, , Tel 01904 633300.
Grounds for granting requests for access
Access will be given for providers to attend during school assemblies, timetabled Careers lessons, and Careers or Raising Aspirations events that Fulford School is arranging. Students may also travel to visit another provider as part of the trip to be organised in partnership with Fulford School.
Details of premises or facilities to be provided to a person who is given access
Fulford School will provide an appropriate room or assembly hall to be agreed. All rooms have computers, projectors and screens provided. Computer rooms can also be arranged. The Head of Careers will organise this, working closely with the provider to ensure the facilities are appropriate to the audience. Appropriate safeguarding checks will be carried out. Providers will be met and supervised by a member of the Careers Team who will facilitate.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus, posters or other relevant literature with the Head of Careers or at the Resource Centre. These will be displayed within the careers area in the Resource Centre which is available to all pupils at lunch and break times. Where appropriate, copies of presentations or website links can also be added to the careers page on the school website for use by pupils, parents/carers and staff.
Live/Virtual encounters
Fulford School will consider live online encounters with providers where requested, and these may be broadcast into classrooms or the school assembly hall. Technology checks in advance will be required to ensure compatibility of systems.
Parents and Carers
Parental involvement is encouraged, and parents may be invited to attend the events to meet the providers.
The Head of Careers coordinates all provider requests and is responsible to his/her senior management line manager.
Providers who have been invited into Fulford School to date include:
- York College
- Askham Bryan College
- Derwent Training
- NYBEP – Amazing Apprenticeships
- The Army/RAF/Navy
- North Yorkshire Police
- Various employers
Destinations of previous pupils from Fulford School include:
- York College
- Askham Bryan College
- Bishop Burton College
- Harrogate Army Foundation College
- CAPA College
- Leeds City College
- Fulford School 6th Form
- Bootham School
- The Mount School
- Peter Symonds College Winchester
- Sparsholt College
- Kalahbo High School, Hawaii
- Archbishop Holgate’s 6th Form
- Huntingdon School 6th Form
- All Saints School 6th Form
- Hull City Football Club
- Leeds United Football Club
- i2i Football Academy
- Blueberry Academy
- Various Apprenticeship opportunities
Pupil access opportunities
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. All visitors are expected to follow the school’s safeguarding procedures and policies –please see school website for further details.
| Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Year 7 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Year 8 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Year 9 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
KS4 GCSE Options Event
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Year 10 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Work Experience Preparation and placement | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Work experience reflection and recording
Careers Fair
Employer/Provider Lunchtime Drop-In & display stand – informal discussions with pupils
Year 11 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Employer/Provider Lunchtime Drop-In & display stand – informal discussions with pupils | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Employer/Provider Lunchtime Drop-In & display stand – informal discussions with pupils
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Employer/Provider Lunchtime Drop-In & display stand – informal discussions with pupils |
Year 12 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Employability and Apprenticeship | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Work Experience preparation | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Work Experience placement and reflection
Year 13 | Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
| Assembly/Form time opportunities
Virtual opportunities
Complaints Procedure
Any complaints about this policy should be raised to Sarah Birkby, email:
Sarah Birkby will raise the complaint to Stephen Bailey, Assistant Head of Fulford School.
Monitoring review and evaluation
The Policy is monitored and evaluated annually via the Senior Leadership Team.
Policy Coordinator: Sarah Birkby
Policy Reviewed: January 2023
We are always looking to establish links and build relationships with employers, businesses and organisations, parents and past students to raise our students’ awareness of the different opportunities available to them. If you would like to get involved by sharing your own career path and answering questions about your role and sector; mock interviews; support a CV/apprenticeship workshop; hold a session at our careers fair; offer a work experience placement; or if you have a great idea you would like to suggest please email Sarah Birkby, Head of Careers, at
Fulford School Provider Access Policy can be found on the above tab section called “Provider Access”
Fulford School work with the York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to partner up with local Enterprise Advisers to support the development of the school careers strategy and employer engagement. The Enterprise Advisers work with the Head of Careers to create opportunities for young people and provide a valuable employer’s perspective on how labour market information and opportunities can be embedded into the careers programme as well as across the wider curriculum.
Meet Our Enterprise Advisers:
Debbie Carr
“Hi, I’m Debbie Carr and I’m the Head of HR at The Property Buying Company. I am also a linked Enterprise Adviser at Fulford School.
With ‘many’ years in HR I love the challenges of the job and the excitement of working for a growing company. Multi-tasked in many areas of HR, I’m able to turn my hand to most topics as and when they arrive. Rather unusually a varied sector background, but ‘HR is HR’ however you dress it up.
Leaving school, I worked in Forensic Science, moving across into sales then morphing in an HR role.
I’ve ‘applied my skills’ in Local and Central government, Property, Engineering, International Tugboat operator, (my claim to fame is operating a tug boat in the Liverpool docks – under supervision of course), Legal sector. I’m also a qualified Teacher and Coach.
On many occasions, I have worked as an HR Consultant on varied projects which include an international transport manufacturer, orthopaedic supplier, charity work and many others. I still get excited by learning about HR and every day in the job I’m so lucky as the experience I gain goes on and on.
As an Enterprise Adviser my role is to assist and work with Fulford School’s career hub in delivering the school’s strategy to raise the profile of students in and around the local community. I help provide a central role in providing key resources which support the networks and career hubs to enable them to work effectively. I also support the advisors and help create opportunities in the local community.”
Emily Porter
“Hi all, I’m Emily Porter and I am Fulford School’s Enterprise Coordinator. I work with all the state schools and colleges across York and Selby to support Careers Leaders delivery high quality careers activities to all the students, from Y7 to Y13. I am responsible for supporting Career Leaders to encourage students with a wide range of information to choose their next best step and recruiting business volunteers and employers to directly support young people in careers activities.
I went to school and sixth form in York, then to Newcastle University to study English Literature, mainly because I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do next! It paid off as, as well as getting my degree, I got involved in lots of activities at Uni, including being Head of Music at the radio station. This gave me lots of transferrable skills that have been useful in later life, including improving my communication skills, through doing interviews with various bands, teamworking skills working within a busy studio environment and my organisational and time management skills to juggle a degree, a PT job and my extracurricular interests.
After graduating, I came back to York for a short while, working in pubs and call centres, then got my first graduate job as a recruitment agent – which I quickly realised wasn’t for me, despite very tempting bonuses to spend on shoes – I left and went to work at Newcastle University developing a module where students could use their volunteering experience for academic credit through reflection on transferable skills in a final interview. After having both my children, I moved back to York and got a job supporting people who were out of work back into employment or training opportunities, and then moved into directly delivering Careers activities to young people in schools and then into my current role.
I would say that all work experience is hugely valuable, and those days working part time in bars and at call centres have helped me throughout my career by improving my skill base for all future jobs. If you can get a part time job or volunteering experience, in any area, it will always help you to discover more about your own motivations for your future career, as well as developing crucial transferrable skills.”
Owen Turner
“Hello! I’m Owen Turner and the founder, MD, and Creative Director of United by Design. I have been linked with Fulford School as an Enterprise Advisor, representing and championing the creative and digital sector in the region.
United by Design is an independent, award winning, branding and graphic design agency based in York. For nearly 15 years we have been bringing energy and personality to brands, helping them better connect with people. We help established brands businesses and organisations work smarter, harder and more thoughtfully, and guide start-ups on their journey. We do this in a deeply collaborative way, working closely with our clients to find creative solutions that help them succeed.
From international blue chip companies such as KPMG and ASDA, UK wide organisations such as the Advertising Standards Authority, HYCO manufacturing, National Catholic Safeguarding Commission and the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories to regional businesses such as Simpson Construction, Preston Baker, Cedar Court Hotels and York St John University.
In addition we specialise in strategic branding and packaging work for the food and drink sector with companies such as Honest Bean Co., NOMI Cold Brew Coffee and Yorkshire Explorer Spirits to name a few.
We care deeply about the impact of work and this has lead to meaningful work with charities, not for profits and those organisations that need a helping hand to communicate what they do such as the Wildlife Trust, the Wilberforce Trust and Riccall Care. The depth and breadth of our knowledge allows us to work across a range of disciplines to deliver unique design and strategic work for businesses.
We work across brand identity, literature, digital and packaging either as specialist areas or jointly to ensure continuity of the work we do for our clients. Our BrandHappy® approach and ethos enables us to continually aim to develop new creative and marketing initiatives that add genuine value to our clients businesses. Harnessing the craft of design with strategy to ensure audience engagement!
United by Design began life back in 2008 in the back bedroom of my house after I had worked in the industry for over 12 years as a graphic designer in permanent positions as well as doing a range of freelance across the North of England. I had previously worked for 2 UK based agencies in Leeds (WPA Pinfold) and Bristol (The Engine Room) as well as working for Dyson in their in-house design team.
I grew up in Ryedale in North Yorkshire going to school in Pickering, I went to Harrogate to do my Art Foundation and my formal design education at degree level was a 3 year course at Bath Spa University doing an BA(Hons) Graphic Design & Communication.
United by Design is a team of talented designers and developers. I have a co-director, David, who works on the commercial development of the business with a focus on the financial aspects of the agency. We are agile and scale up resource when we need to do so. Where we need specialised or specific skills we work with suppliers or freelancers.
My involvement in the business ranges from being the MD, managing the overall running of the business. On a day to day basis in the studio I am the creative director and lead on the strategic development of client work. I am very much hands on and continually work on business development with current clients and prospects.
To date we have won a gold and silver Design Business Association ‘Design Effectiveness Awards’ for our work with Treboom Brewery and Brew York Brewery. These awards measure the true business impact design has on an organisation. This ensures we keep focussed on delivering results in all the work we do
We give back to the design industry by continually supporting work placements and internships for students and graduates, giving them first hand experience in the industry. I also spend time at colleges and universities talking to students about the design industry and setting up and running a business. This work is evolving into a commitment to a campaign called Art is my Career; helping and supporting young people and students to the many opportunities in the creative sector. I am also am an active person in business and creative/design networks within the city. Playing an active role in developing the sector in the city. I am the deputy master of the Guild of Media Arts which is involved in the Unesco network of cities across the globe. Most recently I am working collaboration with Kaizen Arts Agency (a collective of agencies we are part of delivering creative and cultural work) to deliver York Design Week since 2019 and also Drawsome. I am also an ambassador and collaborator for York Creatives. I have been lucky enough to work with a range of young people through Career Ready and also give my time as a mentor for Kerning The Gap, which is a national initiative and collective of like-minded people who want to see more diversity in design leadership roles, share experiences and be inspired to create.”
Explore Some Career Ideas and Options...
Fulford School is not responsible for the content of external websites

Post 16 Colleges/Sixth Forms in York
Other Local Post 16 Colleges/Sixth Forms
Useful Links
- Linkedin Cheat Sheet:
- Do’s and Don’ts for Linkedin Etiquette:
- Linkedin Tips for Students and New Grads:
- Parent Page | Notgoingtouni
- Motor Industry – Parents – IMI Autocity
- Parent & Guardian Advice – Careermap
- Careers advice | National Careers Service
- Careerpilot : Parent zone
- The Parent Perspective – a Careers Podcast