
As well as the FAQ below, we hope these quick links will help you find what you’re looking for.

For Years 7 -11, to report your child’s absence, please call the school on 01904 666417 or email:
For Years 12-13, to report your child’s absence, please call the Sixth Form on 01904 666406 or email:


If we have not heard from parents on the first day of an absence then our attendance administrator will make telephone contact or send a text message on the same day. Should your child refuse to attend school for any reason please contact the attendance administrator who will liaise with your child’s Head of Year and attendance lead to help resolve any issues.


Further advice if your child is unwell can be found from the NHS here:

Uniform can be purchased from:

Emblazon of 138 Micklegate,
YO1 6JS.


Unit 4-5 Handley Court Industrial Estate,
York YO41 4AR
(Tel: 01904 607331)

Parents are able to purchase the other items of clothing (shirts, trousers, shoes etc) from any other retailer. Please be aware of any specific item requirements when making your purchase.

More information about the Fulford School uniform and PE Kit can be found here.

The school canteen provides hot and cold meals at lunch time and snacks at morning break.


We suggest approximately £2.55 for a hot meal and pudding. At the start of the academic year, Year 7 students initially go to lunch earlier than the rest of the school. They are taken by their subject teacher who will show them how to purchase the food, where to put their bags and address any other concerns. Hot and cold food can be bought.


Students must not bring canned fizzy drinks to school.


After this initial transition period, Year 7 will then take their turn on the lunchtime rota with Years 8-10.

Am I eligible?


If you are in receipt of Income Support, Income-based ESA or Income-based Job Seekers allowance you should be entitled to Free School Meals and possibly other educational benefits for your child(ren). You may also be entitled to other educational benefits if you receive child and working tax credits – though this will not include free school meals. In this case you should include a copy of your latest tax credit notice (TC602) with your application. Upon receipt of this evidence City of York Council will assess your eligibility to all educational benefits.


How do I apply?

1. Download and Educational benefits Form online at 

2. Request a form on 01904 551554

Every effort is made to keep the school open during inclement weather, however, if the decision is made to close the school you will be notified via the following ways:


A message on the school phone, our text messaging service, a message on the school website, Radio York & Minster FM .


If the school has to be closed part way through the day we will send a text to parents informing you that school is closing and that students are being sent home early. It is very important that you keep us updated with any change of mobile number.

All students including Year 7 are expected to complete homework to deadlines. The amount of time spent on homework increases as they progress through the school. All students are expected to complete homework, but are not expected to spend unreasonable amounts of time doing so. A reasonable length of time to spend on homework in Year 7 would be 20 -30 minutes per individual subject; however this of course can vary as students undertake a wide variety of tasks and projects over the course of the year. Students will be given a homework timetable which will help with organisation.

The school uses an independent locker company ILS to provide locks for Fulford School Students.


The lockers we provide are owned by ILS and are available for students to rent on an annual basis with ILS being responsible for their maintenance and management. The rental costs for a student locker is £22 per year allowing student use of these for the academic year from September through to July. Please note all bookings terminate at the end of the school year in July. We apologise but there is no discount for lockers booked late in the year.


The locker size is as follows:

Height:  450mm

Width:   300mm

Depth:   450mm


Lockers are subject to availability please book early to avoid disappointment. All available lockers are shown online.


To rent a locker please book online at the ILS website Please contact the school for assistance if you are unable to use the online booking system.


If you do not have access to the internet your local library can provide this facility free of charge.


All rentals are subject to our terms and conditions which are available during the booking process.


Please note ILS are a separate entity from the school and all dealings will be directly with ourselves

Lunchtime detentions: will happen with immediate effect and an explanation written in the child’s planner.


Afterschool detentions: a letter/text will be sent informing you a few days in advance of your child’s detention.

The school resource centre is open from 08:00 until 16:30 Monday to Friday.

Please contact the school office or your child’s Head of House if you would like to arrange an appointment with a subject teacher. We will get back to you with a mutually convenient date and time.


Parent evenings/Progress reviews are held throughout the school year when you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress, please contact Mr D. Bodey, Deputy Headteacher, or Mrs A. Mehta, SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator).

Please follow the link to access our range of Policies which guide our work with pupils who have additional needs.