Following the Extraordinary General Meeting on 30th March 2023, the decision was taken to dissolve the PTA with effect from July 2023. The 200 club draw will cease at the same time and any parents who have standing orders should cancel these.
On behalf of the entire school community, we would like to place on record our deepest gratitude for the many years of dedication and effort that the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) has poured into our school. Their commitment to fundraising and enhancing the educational experience for our students has left a long lasting mark at the school and for our pupils whilst strengthening community bonds.
It is with mixed emotions that we acknowledge the cessation of the PTA and we want to take this opportunity to celebrate the positive impact they have made over the years. Their selfless contributions have helped fund additional resources and have help to enrich the lives of our students. As we move forward, we carry the spirit of their dedication with us.
Wishing each member of the PTA continued success in your future endeavours, you have our deepest appreciation and warmest regards.
With sincere thanks,
The Senior Leadership Team
Fulford School
Second hand uniform will still be available to purchase from
Fulford PTA Minutes:
Additional Reports:
We’d like to say hello and welcome to all new pupils and their parents and carers.
All parents/carers of children in the school are automatically members of the PTA, so we hope that you will want to be involved in some way.
One of our main roles is to raise money for things that pupils will enjoy using, as well as items which the school might otherwise be unable to afford. We try to arrange a number of events across the year, as well as running the Adult Education refreshments and 200 Club. All the money raised by the PTA goes towards equipment for the school which will directly benefit and be used by pupils. These have included flip cams for Modern Foreign Languages, video cams used by the English and Drama departments, athletics vests, new pans for the Food Studies department, a contribution towards African drums for the Music department, an extra heavy duty A3 trimmer for the Art department, a spirometer for the Science Department, equipment for the Bridge Club – the list goes on! Any department in the school can ask for funds from the PTA – we try to support as many of these requests as we can.
We always welcome ideas for fundraising events – so please tell us what sort of events you would like us to organise and would support!
Details of any events being organised and minutes of PTA Committee meetings are posted in the PTA section of the school’s website .
Please email our current chairperson, Helen Poulsen (, if you want to know more. We always need new volunteers on the PTA so if you’d be able to help please get in touch. The level of your involvement is up to you – even just an hour per term would help us out!
Our Parent Teacher Association have a number of second hand uniform items for sale.
This is the current list of what we have:
We also welcome donations of school uniform which can be left at school reception.
This is a valuable source of funds which, at the same time, gives you a chance to win one of the monthly draws, with the winning number each month receiving prize money. The cost is £12 per number, which is then entered into each draw, giving you 12 chances to win. The more people who have numbers, the greater the amount of prize money is. This is a fun and easy way to support the school.
To join and boost the monthly jackpot, please complete the application form which outlines how the Club works and either fill in the standing order mandate or pay by cheque and send it with the application form to school marked ‘200 Club’.
The contact email for enquiries is:
Pre-covid, the PTA sold refreshments on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to people who attend Evening Classes at the school, and we hope to do so again in future.
If you can offer your help, please contact us via the refreshments usual contact
Effortless fundraising at no cost to yourself!
- Fulford PTA is a registered good cause on This is an easy and free way to raise money for your child’s school. By registering with easyfundraising and selecting Fulford PTA York as your good cause you will raise funds simply by shopping online. You can shop with over 2700 top retailers, and with each purchase made, a donation (as a proportion of the sales price) will go to Fulford PTA. You don’t pay anything extra.
Please register at and support us when you shop online.
2. We are also registered as a charity on Amazon Smile and this works in the same way. A small proportion of the purchase price will be donated to Fulford PTA.
Please access the site here and set Fulford School Parent Teachers Association as your chosen charity.