Safeguarding and Wellbeing for Students

How to Report Something in School

You will need to log in using your school email and password. This means we’ll know who to get in touch with to help.

Our Aim

We are committed to working together to safeguard all children. The safeguarding of our students is our number one concern and central to everything that we do as a school.

This page is designed to ensure that you have information and guidance to keep you as safe as possible and have access to the support you need.


Sharing concerns

If you are concerned about your safety or wellbeing, or the safety and wellbeing of another young person, you can access support through specialist pastoral staff at school. Our aim is to ensure that all necessary support is available to our students and families.


Mrs Tanya Elsworth is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ms Jennifer Tomlinson is our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Advisor.


Both of these staff are available via email or through the usual school phone number:

Mrs Elsworth 01904 633300, or


Ms Tomlinson 01904 633300, or



In an emergency

If you are outside of school and concerned that you or another child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, you should seek immediate help, in an emergency ring 999.

You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response.

Staff in School Who Can Help You

National Helplines for Support

Support to Help Keep You Protected Online

Mental Wellbeing Links

How to Report Something in School

You will need to log in using your school email and password. This means we’ll know who to get in touch with to help.