School Catering
Menu Timetable & Price List
- Set Menu price, main course with pudding: £3.05
- Set Menu price, main course only: £2.85
- All other items are individually priced, please see the price lists in the dining room, or here Spring Summer Menu 2025
Food Hygiene Rating
Fulford School is proud to have a 5* hygiene rating. More information can be found below.
General Information
Information about our Cashless Catering system, Food Policy and healthy eating.
- Cashless Catering
- Food Policy
- Healthy Eating Nutrition
- Information about Health Eating
- Autumn Secondary 2024 Nutrition
North Yorkshire County Caterers Contact
Who’s who for Catering at Fulford School.
Fulford School’s cashless catering system has allowed us to continue our work in developing our excellent school meals, whilst also achieving efficiency, speed and an quality of service. This system enables you as parents/carers to view the purchase records of your child and thus monitor information relating to the health of their diet.
The system eliminates problems with students forgetting cash for dinner, and as it is biometric (see FAQ’s on the Nationwide link) there is also no need for pupils to carry a card. The system will recognise the thumb of your child at the top up points in school and at the tills.
We have three payment options available to you: online payments, coin and note payments at the top up pay-points in school, and by cheque. All payment options are explained within the FAQ’s link. A daily ‘spend limit’ of £7.50 will be programmed into the system. This can be increased or decreased for an individual student by contacting the School Office. Any amount of money can be paid into a student’s account, and any money spent on food & drink will be deducted on a daily basis.
As per current legislation we operate an ‘Opt In’ policy to use a biometric system and we therefore require you to tick the box on the admisssions+ app in order to register your child for this system. If you choose not to have your child registered on the biometric system a 4 digit PIN code will be allocated. Please note while there is the option of a pin code these do not have the same level of security and it will be your child’s responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure at all times.
Is your child eligible for Free School Meals? Do you realise that your child could also benefit from additional support in school if they are eligible for Free School Meals through the governments Pupil Premium scheme?
The Pupil Premium is payable to the school where your child is registered as eligible to receive Free School Meals. The Pupil Premium is funding given to schools from central government in addition to regular school funding so that they can support their pupils. You can find out more about the spending of Pupil Premium funding at Fulford School here.
What does this mean for your child? The school assesses the personal needs of your child and implements additional support in the appropriate areas. This could be additional curriculum tuition, homework clubs, games clubs, mentoring or assistance with the costs of trips.
Even if you would not like your child to receive free school meals on a regular basis, you can apply for educational benefits which will benefit your child’s school through the Pupil Premium, and will enable your child to take up a free school meal any day they choose.
We can do a quick check on your behalf. All we need is your forename, legal surname, date of birth and national insurance number. Simply ring the Office on 01904 633300 and we can arrange a quick check for you.
Parent and carers who are in receipt of one of the following income-related benefits may be entitled to apply for free school meals for their children:
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit combined with both a household income below £16,190 per annum and not in receipt of any Working Tax Credit
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guarantee Element of state Pension Credit
- Universal Credit, with annual household earnings of less than £7,400
You may also qualify if you’ve just started to work less than 16 hours a week, or immediately after employment has stopped for a temporary 4-week ‘run-on’ period.
The process is quick and easy. Simply click on the link below for further information on how to apply
Click here to go directly to the free school meals section on the council’s website.
We are committed to providing our students with information and opportunities for them to make choices about their lifestyle. With parents support students can discuss choices of food in our canteen through the addition of our cashless catering system. In the personal development curriculum in Year 7 students will have the opportunity to discuss what makes a healthy lifestyle building on their work in food technology. The personal development curriculum continues to address topics that might affect a healthy lifestyle such as drugs, alcohol and Sex and Relationships education, especially in Year 9. In Year 11 we develop further the issues that can impact on a healthy lifestyle such as examine stress and mental health.
Our Student Executive have many ideas for the development of healthy lifestyles, especially around food choices in the canteen. It will be interesting to see this development in the coming months.
Healthy Eating
We gained our Healthy Schools status and take the responsibility of providing healthy nutritional food to a very high standard. This part of our website has the menus and nutritional standards of our food served in the canteen.
At break times we serve nutritionally balanced food. You will be aware that sweet fizzy drinks in cans are not allowed on the school site. However, drinking water and remaining hydrated is good for learning. We have water fountains around our site and students are encouraged to drink throughout the day. Discrete drinking is allowed in lessons when the teacher considers it safe to do so. It is always wise to seek permission before assuming that it is safe to drink in lessons.
Sport and Physical Exercise
Teamwork and resilience are at the heart of learning at Fulford School. There are opportunities to be involved in school sport but we are encouraging our students to see sport and exercise as part of their whole life and not just school time. On our website there are links to sports clubs in York and local community clubs that offer a wide variety of opportunities for active engagement in exercise.
We have some very talented sportsmen and women at Fulford and our aim is to inspire everyone to be healthy in body and mind to aspire to be the best they can be throughout their life.