Last Friday, Y12 had a very special guest in the science zoom lesson, Professor Brian Cox.
The penultimate week of term, everyone is tired, and everyone’s been stuck in lockdown. Everyone is thinking things can only get better!!
And then ……..We get a visit from the one and only Prof. Brian Cox. The Brian Cox, who has dedicated his life to understanding the Universe.
Sometimes you meet people who have inspired you, and sometimes they don’t live up to what you expect. However, our zoom lesson with Brian was truly inspirational and our Fulford Physics students asked the most insightful of questions. It was amazing and a superb end to what has been a difficult term.
Katy Stabler ( Head of Physics)
It was such an amazing experience, hearing what he had to say about all the great questions. It was such a great opportunity and i loved every bit of it.
Arthur (Y12)
It was fantastic having Professor Brian Cox in a zoom lesson as it was great to see how the basic physics principles we are learning in lessons can be applied to understand more about our universe. He answered our questions very well and explained incredibly complex ideas in an easy to understand way, and inspires me to now go and study physics at university!
Luke (Y12)
Professor Cox was amazing, genuinely loved the experience!
Mahdeen (Y12)
I really enjoyed the zoom call. One thing I learned or realised is that I should pursue physics over engineering, as he mentioned near the end he was in a similar situation to me, that he didn’t know whether to pursue engineering or physics and he pursued his passion physics and would recommend that we also pursue our passions, which for me I think is physics.
Toby (Y12)
Something I learnt was just how interesting black hole research really is and how much we still do not know and have yet to find out.
Archie (Y12)
I thought it was incredible especially the fact that there are many possibilities and unanswered questions about the universe and I feel more inspired to get stuck into all the books Mr Brian Cox mentioned .It was an amazing opportunity to talk with someone with such high esteem .
Sirija (Y12)
How amazing was that! he was nice and informative, and really helpful with giving us reading material.I am still shaking !!!
Zetta (Y12)