Fulford School Triumphs at the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge
Congratulations are in order for our Y12 students who took part in this year’s Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (equivalent to the Biology Olympiad). It’s a voluntary 90 minute test the students choose to sit during, or just after their Year 12 mocks. This year they took part, right at the start of their mocks.
Around 35% of students entered don’t gain any award at all and about 10% of students gain the highest scores (Gold certificate, or even rarer, Roentgenium certificate (top 1% or less get this one and we’ve never had one!)).
This year 14 students took part and we gained 2x Gold, 4x Silver and 6x Copper certificates! The two students that missed out, did so by a single mark only, so very close to getting all students with a certificate. Some years we don’t get any Gold, more often we get a single Gold, even more rarely we get more than one Gold, so we did very well in getting two golds this year! Congratulations to Bas and Benjamin!
We can’t wait to take part next year!