Beauty and The Beast involved over 80 Fulford students across all year groups and ran for 3 nights on 8th, 9th and 10th February. Staff and students worked really hard since September to put on such a large-scale show and the outcome is fantastic.
Directed by Mrs Windrum and Musical Directors Miss Durham and Mr Mellors, Musical numbers including “Belle” and “Be Our Guest!” involve students in big dance numbers choreographed by our volunteer dancer Mrs Thacker.
Meanwhile the cast enjoyed exploring how to represent different objects and Gaston and Le Fou had to discover their inner obnoxious characters! Great support was offered by Mr Norwood and his excellent tech team and Mrs Bowen and the Back stage crew.

The Beauty and the Beast orchestra includes students from all year groups, with some students performing in their first musical alongside highly experienced musicians in the sixth form.
Students worked incredibly hard on the challenging music for this production, honing their skills in underscoring and developing great stamina for a musical with very few breaks in the music.
Thank you, also, to all the staff members who gave up their time to be involved in the orchestra – it is really appreciated.