Alongside our recently launched fortnightly competition in school, to encourage our community to keep recycling, we have been learning about sustainability.
Edible York came to visit us last week to help plan a new garden with fruit trees, flowers and vegetables for the area outside the base. All to be cared for by the students.
We also have some student sustainability leads in the sixth form who will be making proposals to the wider school in an assembly about suggested changes to help make us more greener and environmentally conscious. Some of the suggestions include replacing polystyrene and plastics from the canteen with recyclable materials, asking more pupils to bring their own water bottles to school and encouraging more cycling to school. Another suggestion was exploring ways to make some areas of the school field “greener”, by allowing a natural habitat for insects and wild flowers to grow for bees.
Lots of exciting plans and ideas to try and help us become greener and more sustainable.