A-Level Results Day 2021

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Congratulations to all our Year 13 students who have achieved so much over their sixth form studies. With resilience, determination and impressive character they have studied through the most difficult of circumstance and have been rightly rewarded with some excellent … Continued

The Fulford School Arts Festival 2021

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Fulford School held an Arts Festival this week, celebrating Art, Drama, Music and Textiles. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, it was not open to the public, but students and staff had the opportunity to go and spend some time browsing … Continued

Physics Olympics at Fulford School

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The Physics Olympics takes place every year at St. Peters, this year it was cancelled due to covid. So instead we did it here, at Fulford!   The Physics Olympics happened last Thursday, with 6 of our year 8’s entering … Continued

School Closed for Remainder of School Year

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After consultation with Public Health, I regret that we have had to close the school to pupils for the remainder of the school year.   Positive COVID-19 cases along with associated mandatory isolation of identified contacts mean that over 500 … Continued

Year 7 May Half-Term 2021 Newsletter

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Please find below the link to the latest edition of the Year 7 Newsletter. We hope you find it useful and informative.   May Half Term Year 7 Newsletter   Revision strategies success booklet, as described in the newletter: Y7 Strategies … Continued