Next week, Fulford School is going to be magically transformed into Athens and the woods of Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, with the help of our talented Year 10 Drama students.
In collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company Associate School’s programme and York Theatre Royal, students have been exploring creative ‘rehearsal room’ approaches to Shakespeare’s most popular comedy, with each group presenting a section of the play. As theatres have been closed this year, we are creating a filmed performance which will be edited together with sections performed by ensembles from schools across York including Primary schools and Applefields and later shown at the theatre in a socially distanced screening. Our sections of the play take place in the Athens Assembly hall and in the forests of the nature reserve.
We are so proud of our Drama students for all they have managed to achieve this year and I am sure you will join us in saying “break a leg!”
Miss Greene