Congratulations to all our Year 13 students who have achieved so much over their sixth form studies.
With resilience, determination and impressive character they have studied through the most difficult of circumstance and have been rightly rewarded with some excellent A level and Btec results.
Despite the challenges they have faced they are now ready to continue their journey at university, college, work and through apprenticeships. They have learnt a great deal about their subjects but also about themselves.
We have all relied on our communities, friends and family through these difficult times and I know our impressive young people will take these lessons along with their outstanding grades into the world with them.
As a school we challenge our young people to be the change they wish to see in the world. Our students leave us with our best wishes for their future. We are proud of what they have done and who they are. We are grateful for the role they have played in our school. We look forward to seeing the positive change they will bring to their communities, the good they will do and difference they will make.
Steve Lewis
Fulford School