Safeguarding and Wellbeing

This page is for Parents & Carers

If you’re a student, your page is here:

Our Aim

We are committed to working together to safeguard all children. The safeguarding of our students is our number one concern and central to everything that we do as a school.


This page is designed to ensure that you have information and guidance to keep you as safe as possible and have access to the support you need.


Sharing concerns

If you are concerned about your safety or wellbeing, or the safety and wellbeing of another young person, you can access support through specialist pastoral staff at school. Our aim is to ensure that all necessary support is available to our students and families.


Mrs Tanya Elsworth is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ms Jennifer Tomlinson is our Safeguarding and Wellbeing Advisor.


Both of these staff are available via email or through the usual school phone number:

Mrs Elsworth 01904 633300, or


Ms Tomlinson 01904 633300, or



Our bullying policy can be found on our policies page.

Alternatively, if you are worried about a child or a young person, you could contact the City of York Council’s Children and Young People’s Services through the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). If your concern is outside of normal office hours, you should contact the emergency duty team.


During Office Hours


Outside Office Hours

  • Emergency Duty Team (for evenings, weekends and bank holidays): 01609 780780


In an emergency

If you are outside of school and concerned that you or another child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, you should seek immediate help, in an emergency ring 999.


You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response.


Parents may be concerned regarding online apps or websites their children are using. Here are some useful links which contains parent information on a variety of apps that you may find useful:



Specific support with using parental controls with your broadband and online security set-up




  • Calm Harm is an award-winning app designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you wish. Progress can be tracked. 
  • distrACT app gives you easy, quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Led by experienced practising GP and other leading experts. The content has been created by doctors and experts in self-harming and suicide prevention. (for 17+ only)
  • Healios is a mental health app designed for 10 to 18 year olds. Using a variety of content and tools, it allows young people to learn about mental health and emotional wellbeing. and develop skills they use to build resilience and stay well.  
  • WorryTree app aims to help you take control of worry wherever you are. You cause the app to record whatever you feel worried about. It uses cognitive behavioural therapy techniques to help you notice and challenge your worries. It can also help you create an action plan for managing worry.